Haleyville Area Chamber of Commerce Welcomes CTE State Director

To kick off the New Year we were joined by Stephanie McCullough from North Alabama Works as well as Dr. Phillip Cleveland, Alabama Career & Technical Education Director. They work together to ensure that High School students across the State and in our region are “workforce ready” upon graduation. Both speakers asked for input from area business and industry leaders to help target the needs of our area to provide a well trained and competitive workforce.

Alabama Association for Career and Technical Education

ALACTE advocates  good career and technical education/workforce development policy for Alabama. ALACTE works to educate policymakers, education colleagues, administrators, parents, students, business and industry representatives, and the public about the value of career and technical education programs. ALACTE seeks to foster excellence in career and technical education by providing leadership opportunities and recognition.

What is Career/Technical Education?

Career and technical education is about helping students, workers and lifelong learners of all ages fulfill their working potential. First and foremost it’s about high school and college education that provides students with:

  • Academic subject matter taught with relevance to the real world, often called contextual learning.
  • Employability skills, from job-related skills to workplace ethics.
  • Education pathways that help students explore interests and careers in the process of progressing through school.

But career and technical education is also about:

  • Second-chance education and training for the unemployed and those seeking to upgrade their employability skills.
  • Education to earn additional degrees, especially when related to career advancement.
  • Corporate training, continuing education, skills upgrades and refresher courses for those already in the workplace.

For more information: http://www.alacte.org