Civic Organizations

American Legion
Meet the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Post #33, 26th St., behind the Lions Den on Hwy 5.

Meet the second Monday of each month at 6PM.
VFW Post Home located at intersection of Highway 13 and County Road 17.
Commander is Dwight Thomas 205 269-6958

Meet at noon on Tuesdays at Lakeland Community Hospital.

Lions Club
Meet at noon on Thursdays at Lakeland Community Hospital.
Rotary International

Fraternal Order Of Police
We’re Here To Help Your Business
We, the Haleyville Area Chamber of Commerce, are working to improve the local economy and quality of life in the Haleyville area. This has to be a team effort between the Chamber, local government, county government and the citizens of the Haleyville area. Wont you join us in making a difference in the Haleyville area for generations to come?
If you need more information or have questions about joining the HACC please contact the Chamber office: Natalie Boykin, Executive Administrative Assistant, (205) 486-4611 or email at